And it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would.. well, except I have to find 3 others to do a hit and run on. I am still quite new here so I hope I can find someone not already tagged. Till then~
- I was born in California~everyone else in my family was born in NY or Ct....nanner.
- I was real good at twirling a baton and did some quite large parades before having to retire at 12 for medical reasons.
- I'm a good Italian cook, as taught by my Grandmother. I also know the secret to her family famous meatballs. She taught me so much about unstaggering Faith, the strength of family and fidelity~ all while teaching me to cook with simplicity.
- I knit the Continental way.
- I'm deathly afraid of bridges and now I have everyone in the car with me yelling "AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" the whole length of any bridge that we go over.
- I was able to fulfill a childhood dream and pet "Little Joe's" horse from "Bananza". I spent the rest of the day hoping to find little Joe on the set.. I was 9 and he was CUTE.
- My HEROS are my 2 daughters. Bailey who is 14 and just had scoliosis surgery. She also has Asperger's Syndrome and is the most forgiving person I have ever met. People that don't understand can be very cruel, and she' still there for them. Also, my daughter Jesslyn age 9. She's the little sister that has to be the big sister. She is also the family comedienne and the reason I will need to wear "Depends" .
Now, tis time to have an internet tea with 3 fond Ladye friends, with whom I hope will find pleasure in this as much as I~
Hi, I got your TAG, thanks my friend..Deena
Stacey, I read today about your daughter Bailey. I know what it's like to have a special daughter. I have one and her name is Melissa. 'Today is her birthday. I hope you will come visit my blog and read about her. They teach us so much, don't they?
Carole-from carolescountry.com
nice blog thanks for the link, hope to catch up with you again soon, a music band the Proclaimers you might like ;)
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