Do you ever wonder just why we are here and now? Placed in this time and not where our hearts draw us?Lovers of the past, a time that is not ours but pulls us close? Are we drawn upon so that we may sing it to the future.....
The pull has always been there for as long as I can remember. Caught in the fondness of old cemetaries and early tombstones for me... visions of history as passed on by my family of our own family heros. Drawn to images of horsedrawn carriages and button up shoes.. or yes.. a love of old gloves, that once perhaps held the hand of a true love? A mix of time periods at least one hundred years prior.
As lives touch others I see that I am not the only one.. and kindred hearts do share. .. but I wonder do we share because perhaps we were all once there???
Hi Stacey, It's Emily (Hootin Annies), I know just what you mean about being pulled...I have that same feeling when I go to New England. I feel as though my soul pulls me there, as if it's been there before. I always said I must've been a whalers wife, since I love the sea and thoughts of an oceanside cottage makes my heart sing! Wonder what I looked like back then, lol! Hey, can you link my blog on your list? Here's my url www.emilyfranz.blogspot.com
Stacey, email me...I have a tip for your blog...
oh, yes! I have the very same feeling whenever I'm lucky enough to be in New England, especially in the Kingdom of Vermont.
I do believe this with all my heart.
oh yes, being there makes my heart sing as well.
I love your thoughts and am glad to have read it today.
I think your ideas are entirely possible...sometimes I secretley imagine that in the 18th century I might have been a spinsterly sister to a printer, and he wasn't very wise, so he let me run the place...which is why I love old books and the feeling of the real printed pages, and the woodcuts...something kindred about that to me...I AGREE!!
yes, Stacey, I agree with everything you said AND I am so glad you said it! I am so comfortable with my antiques and having a look of the 18th century in my home. I just wouldn't be happy any other way! Wonder why? Hmm.
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