Funny how things stick! These are forever her "Delores Glasses" And she played the whole persona off. She loved denim and I found the cutest snap up pleated denim skirt for her. Most young ladies would wear it fully snapped as a skirt... not Delores! Delores wore hers with only the top snapped and shorts underneath. I asked her why."It's for when I run , Mommy, look!". The skirt peeled back as she ran, thus giving her a more, "super hero" appearance, she later explained in her 4 year old language. It became her daily outfit that summer.
Jess is nearly 12 now. We have to find a bathing suit that doesn't show her stomach and tank tops are too low cut. She still dresses her own way. We still hold dear the glasses... and I'm quite sure that she WILL be a super hero someday.