A Unique Primitive Art with a whisper to the past~

These truly ARE the voices in my head.

Friday, April 5, 2013


Perspective.....a point of view. Either as part of the appearance of objects or how we regard a situation or a fact; both are tied to the artist. We need to have a handle on each to be successful. An Artist is affected by things that touch their lives~ people, places, memories. Add with that studies in science or math and you have a wonderful marriage for your work.
Art is your personal stamp.

I love doing graphic works and am so thankful for the gift. The gift is nothing without all of the hours of hard work and study though. I took many science classes that have helped so much in my work now. Whoda thunk? 

Thankfully  I had wonderful counselors and trusted them. Things that I would have never thought I would use, are the things that set me apart. My education didn't change my gift, it just made it stronger and balanced it better.

I love drawing and I'm often asked, "Why don't you just draw?" "You should be an illustrator".

I remember when I discovered Primitive Dolls. I raced to my parents and told them that I found out where I fit. My Father was disappointed at first....I can draw, paint and sculpt quite well....but a doll maker?  I turned down the opportunity to finish schooling and move towards a career with a well known greeting card company, as well as turning down a scholarship and the ability to be an "Illustrator for the Sciences". 

My Father knew....anyone that is a true artist and not just spitting out pieces for the money knows. Simply....happiness. 

Art is how we feed our soul. We don't make art because we need to financially, we make it because it is what drives us. I can draw and could probably just draw and make a wonderful salary...but it is only a part of my heart. I could not be successful with my Folk Art without drawing AND the whole package....nor with my sculpted works. Beyond that are the challenges that each media hold. Above all, I love the opportunity to challenge my abilities. I want to continue to grow, not just settle into something because it is comfortable.

Over the past 8 months, I have started to make changes to better balance my personal life and my online presence. I was tired of all the negativity and wanted a better balance. We are in charge...sometimes we forget that. 
I took people off of my Facebook news feeds, unfriended.. yes...... I did an overhaul. I still am~bit by bit. I have so much that I want to do, and so little time...even if I live to a ripe old age. I am busy creating. I don't want a computer tied to me.

Let the drama, the negativity and those that feel the need to follow my lead in trends and characters do so. 

You see, the Universe gave me these gifts and I am giving back to the Universe. 

A dear friend reminded me of this...Thank you my dear, you are such a wonderful gift to many.


casey said...

Bravo, my friend. Well said and we should all follow your lead. Not by copying your style, but by unplugging and/or getting rid of negative "friends". I thought after the election that fb would be so much more pleasant....but I was wrong. Negative people are negative in all facets of life, I guess. So I, too, got rid of some that upset me every time I scrolled thru my newsfeed. And I'm still editing. Your posts always make me smile!!

Lori Ann Corelis said...

So beautifully said . . . .


Pamela@ The Sampler Makers Farmhouse said...

Love the sheep at the top! Too cute!

Green Creek Primitives said...

Hi Stacey, I just love reading your blog, you are an inspiration for the rest of us. I love how you put it about art, how it feeds our souls, and how it drives us. You are so right, when I sit down to make a pattern, I do it out of love of making the item, it makes me happy, its not the money I will get, but the satisfaction of like you said the feeding of the soul, it is what drives me, creating, even if it is from a pattern. Yes you have been a gift for us all, you help us see how much we can gain by trusting in ourselves to be able to create to our hearts desire, not worrying how others will respond, by truly believing in us. You are right also, get rid of negative people in our lives, time is too short to deal with them. Thanks Stacey for being that person that has helped me reach out for what I love to do. Vicky

Mary Ann Tate said...

Very well said:) I received a very negative comment on my blog the other day about something I made. I really didn't know how to react so I ignored it and deleted it. I guess I'm a bit naive because I just don't get why people must be like that on a public forum...ah well.