A Unique Primitive Art with a whisper to the past~

These truly ARE the voices in my head.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

New Patterns

It's about time, right? I've poured over designs, added...taken out. Let me tell you, it's not easy, trying to pick things that you feel that everyone would be successful at and still have fun with.

I get lots and lots of emails with requests, and I listen! To become a pattern, there has to be more than ease of making... there must be lots of feedback and be "show worthy".

I've learned a lot this past year. While many designers decided to move on, I decided to continue and encourage others.

You see, there will always be people that will take advantage. They will copy..some even swear that they don't look on the internet at anyone's work, yet you see that they have. Actions speak louder than words ever can. It's not like they are fooling anyone. But, in the end, it is what defines them

I learned instead, to forgive them and move on. I have too many goode things that I want to do. and my life is surely not long enough!

A goode friend shared her views, and I wrap up in them and now live them. I give my designs to the Universe and share. I trust that the Universe will give back to me in a way that I can make a living and share the talents given with me.

So here I am, charged and ready. I picked 8 patterns that people were talking about, the most requested....the most smiled upon. It was difficult to choose just 8...so I will be releasing again later in the Summer. I already have a pile to work on.

Until then; a click on any of these pictures will take you to the shop, so that you can order. I take all forms of payment (I'd even take a chicken, if they would let me... I LOVE chickens!)

....and for my direct orders~ just email me at:



Createology said...

Bless you dear for your take charge spirit and energy to move forward in this all too short life we have. Your talents are amazing and those that steal are not creative souls such as you. Happy Hearts are Creative Hearts...

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

I've told you before, but it is worth repeating...you inspire me! Your love for your creations and your kindness show in each of them. I'm just happy I can bring them to life in my humble way...they are never as good as what you create!

Unknown said...

Beutiful words very good post! I like your creations.

Deb said...

Stacey, your work is so wonderful, thank you so much for sharing it with us all! Off to Etsy and thank you for the magic code and your generosity :O) Deb