I was very touched by these profound words. Tim and I were ending a busy day a couple of weeks ago and had turned the television on, surfing the channels. Usually we watch the History Channel, or Discovery, but this particular evening, we were drawn to a program by John Edwards. We came into the program partway through , but it didn't matter. When the words were uttered by a young mother that had lost a child, her words made an instant connection with my heart.
Her words sit with me every day now. I'm ever the "PollyAnna" when it comes to people, always looking for the good. Of course, I've been swatted at by people that are not goode. I'm just more diligent. I refuse to change my heart for a very few. The blessing perhaps isn't in the person, but in the lesson learned from them. I keep true to myself and honesty beside. It has brought me far. Always Blessings....
Years ago, I wanted the Christmas holiday to have meaning and not be so commercial. I stepped back a bit for my daughters. Santa would bring each of them three gifts. One from each of the Wise Men. It kept true to their Religious learning and the magic within.
My daughters have finally realized that the Spirit of Christmas resides within. They came to me and told me that I was Santa.right after Christmas last year.I was blessed that at 11 and 13, they were older than some children. We all sat and talked about what Christmas is about. I was very adamant... Santa only comes when you believe. I dreaded the approaching holiday though, Imagine the blessing, when both girls stuck their letter to Santa on the refrigerator this year!They still kept belief and hope that the Elves would leave the telltale hand prints that their letters will be safely delivered to Himself, The Elf. I had thought that perhaps I had lost one of the most important parts of their innocence, and instead was blessed, to know that they keep it all still close to their hearts.
As the year comes to a close and we all reflect upon the people and events that have shaped our lives this year, I pass on to all of you, the most profound words that I have found this year and will keep close to my heart.
"Always blessings, never losses."
What a beautiful lesson...for all of you. What a beautiful blessing you have been to me...Thank you my dear sister/friend...Hugs, Kat
No truer words should be spoken.To find the positive that is laid before us is much better than dwelling on the negative.
You've done a fine job raising those two girls to believing in Santa for so long!But now that the cat's out of the bag so to speak(or should I say Santa) have you been practicing your HoHoHo?
One other little question,do you mean the show at Valley Forge in February?
Does anyone know if you can buy the CD that John Edward's friend, Kathy Kampo (spelling?)who composed and wrote the CD, for the mother and father in this story? I believe the name of the song was "ALways Blessings, Never Losses?" Maybe she only wrote it for this family...thanks! Joan
You may e-mail my response to me as well, thanks, Joan
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