The dust has settled as the last show of the season has ended. The work however has not. The whirl of the sewing machine could be heard before the sun arose this snowy morning. There is much to be done!
The Poultney Show is a very charming one indeed. This is the second year I have shown there and with great success. How does one measure that? For some vendors it is strictly monetary. A 98% sell is a great success, and with the bumpy economy, I am very blessed to have that. To an artist it is truly more. It is a chance to show others your heart and passion. I love to see people and children walk through and smile. Some enjoy the whimsy, others the ugliness of extreme ( so ugly it's cute). Still others, see the historic nature of some of the items and techniques. I was so endeared to see an elderly woman pick up a Maude Addie doll and hug her. She kept going to her and picking her up, just enjoying the doll. Still another endearing moment was when a long ago customer from my show days in Chester, squealed with delight in finding me once again. She rattled off the dolls that she had and pridefully announced that she still has them all. She picked up one with great care for her sister's Christmas gift, "This is the perfect gift for her, because she loves your dolls and has been looking for you." she said happily. This to me is success. To not only share my passion with others, but to know that it is their heart also and they hold dear the treasures that were made with much love.
It was great to see old friends, especially some that I had not seen in many years. The local radio station announced to her audience, that she had found the most unique booth she had ever seen. She encouraged the local listeners to come and see for themselves. Wherever the Good Wives go, we are unique, but it is that we follow our hearts and speak with our hands. The Good Wives have had a successful year, and we are truly grateful to all of you that have made it the success. We have invites to other shows, to meet with Historical Societies, as well as a media interview after the Holidays. It seems that there are many that share our pleasure, hearts and passions, locally once again.
Im so happy for you. I wish I had been there to support you and see your booth, always guarenteed to feed our primitive hearts and souls. I love the black dolls and your presentation as usual was amazing.. Im so glad that your own soul was fed with everyones love & appreciation for your passion. It shines thru ALL you do. I bow to you....The Primitive Mistress! (smile) hugs, Kat
Glad you had a wonderful time and were pleased with the outcome.
It's nice to know that others see your passion and enjoy what you create.
Your cow dressed in Holiday garb is cute. Susan
I'm in love with that little calf - okay maybe she is a full grown cow, but I think it is so darling with that little hoof up and every thing!
The Christmas cow is a spin off of the pattern, Martha. I was making a cow shelf sitter and was inspired to make her more colonial looking, thanks to the picture on the side of Martha Washington. Sometimes history inspires in the strangest ways! I do hope Mrs. Washington is looking down and smiling, knowing that the inspiration came with great respect for her dress and the time period!
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