She's 14. Where is that little baby I held so close and rocked to sleep? The scraped knees, the melted ice cream she wore.....has grown up in a blink. Not all the way, thank goodness, although she would tell you otherwise. She is my boy-crazy girl that is ALL girl~ all that glitters.
I wasn't prepared...not at all. After her surgery in March, she was tutored at home and then there was summer vacation. Two days after school started, we met Greg, Bailey's boyfriend. He's funny and smiles a lot. A good balance to a more serious Bailey. They seem to have a good friendship, but Homecoming? A date? So soon??? Bailey was very matter-of-fact as to what kind of dress that she wanted and where to get it. She wanted something strapless or a halter look to it. It had to be long too. Within 30 minutes she had found it (much to my surprise) I asked her if it bothered her that it showed her back and her scar. It didn't bother her in the least and she let me know that it was just a scar. I told her that she was just as beautiful on the inside as she was the outside. She's not quite understanding that, but she will. You see,Bailey has Asperger's Syndrome. An Autistic spectrum disorder. She is wired a bit differently and it can be difficult for her socially. I'm very proud of her, she's had many struggles in her 14 years....but look at her shine!
She looks radiant! That lovely smile and the color of the dress is divine. A young woman has emerged from her cocoon.The strapping lad beside her is smiling too.He's very pleased with the sweet young lass on his arm. I hope they had a good time and mom didn't worry herself to death. Susan
She is beautiful just like her mom !!! They grow up way too fast.
She looks just beautiful!!! I can learn a lot from your little girl. I hope she had the time of her life!!! What a fun and joyous time to be a girl - all the dressing up and boy-stuff...You must be so proud of her.
Bless her heart...how she is shining and looking on top of the world...what a great attitude she has...
Thanks for sharing that information regarding her having Asperger's...letting us know there is hope.
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