Art is such a neat journey. I love to research and in that, sometimes the road that you take for something specific takes you somewhere else. Sometimes it is a little treasure or gift. I am drawn visually to certain things and shoes is just one. I was researching early shoes as seen in the above mid 1600 sample. Along that path, I found the story behind the name,"Goody Two-Shoes". I just had to share. I love to know how sayings got their start and this was PERFECT for this blog!
I love old woodcuts also and so it was such a joy to find a 1700 woodcut image of Margery Meanwell, also known as Goody Two-Shoes. This was a childrens story that was published in 1765. The story is attributed to an Irish author, Oliver Goldsmith, but it is not clear that he is the true author. The story itself is a fable. Margery was a poor orphan
girl that went through most of her life having just one shoe. A rich gentleman gives her a pair of shoes. She is so elated that she shows everyone and points to her feet, saying "two shoes, two shoes!". Her kindness and hard work pay off later in life, when she becomes a teacher and then marries a rich widower. The name Goody we already know is the shortened addressing of "Good Wife" or in today's term....Mrs.
You are a kindred spirit, Stacey...Did you know that in my goode Ladye's Press, I have a serial ongoing of the story "Goody Two-Shoes"? And I put in the old woodcuts for the chapters &c. (My favorite chapter title is "How Little Goody Two-Shoes became a Trotting Tutoress" I just love that you found this story, too!! Isn't it wonderful - that old shoe is to die for, too!!! Woweee! Thank you for making me smile :)
oh Stacey,
now I am sure we are kindred hearts & spirits!
Old shoes are my most favorite things to find. I have just a few of some very wonderful old shoes, for little feet and wonder & imagine all the paths they have trod.
This one reminds me of netty's shoes-of which I have several- they just sing to me.
yes, like my Katie has already said, Thank you for making me smile this morning.
(ps. more sleepy hollow days to some soon)
Oh Katie & Christe'!!!
You both are dear to my heart!It warms my heart to know that the story and the shoe made you both smile too!I will definately be checking the Ladye's Press~Margery is indeed very interesting! The weekend was full of family and friends and I miss my mug of tea and reads in the evenings. Christe'~ Netty's shoes sing to me too! That was the very first pattern I bought from her so long ago.We are all indeed kindred~ how I wish we lived closer!
Tag! You're it! Ok, Stacey your turn to tell us 7 random things about yourself on your blog and then you get to tag 3 other blogging friends! hehee! Have fun!
Cathy :)
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