This picture is for my dearest friends~ Netty of course, Christe', Katie and the Loadwick's; Cheryl and Emily. When looking very closely one can see that what sits upon my head isn't the latest style hat, nor a pill box....even something of a colonial bonnet. This is Dearie, the chicken. The last time Nettie and I went to Brimfield, I awoke early the next morning and did all my Mommy duties before heading off to Netty's to do the paperwork from the show. Still tired from the trip, we unloaded the Van and went to Netty's kitchen to do the paperwork. Poor Dearie was a chick that didn't quite fit in with the rest of the brood, so Netty and Dearie spent quite a lot of time together~ Dearie even kept best manners when inside the house. Being curious of me, she hopped right up my lap and onto the table as I wrote out the figures. We enjoyed quite a conversation and I guess that Dearie figured that any friend of Netty's was hers too. How fun to have this chick walk up my arm and hop up on my head for a NAP! Yes... a nap! Netty made us lunch and I ate with Dearie sleeping quite nicely the whole time. Thanks Netty for taking the picture! Dearie is passed now, but the memories and the laughs are still with us. Now for all of my friends that I have shared this story, a picture to really give you a laugh. For those of you just stopping by, Dearie did have one accident, but thankfully it was of a rolling nature!
A couple days ago I needed to stop by Netty's for a photo shoot. Besides the work photos, I did take the picture of some of the chickens just outside her window. What a wonderful opportunity to really see through the glass which is original to the house~ 1812. There is such a warm feeling to living simply. It's not easy, but there is much to be said for putting in a honest day in the garden and living far from prime time TV or rushing to bring back videos that are due.We've been working in the flower beds and the vegetable gardens the past couple weekends. It's been so warm and inviting in the new green of Spring. I am joyful to grow sunflowers again and excited that my Sweet Annie seeds are nicely sprouted. The Hollyhocks aren't co-operating well, but I haven given up. Spring is certainly all around us!
After taking the photos, Netty sent me home with a few fresh eggs. They are a wonderful treat! My daughters keep some chickens at their Dad's house. A couple given to them from Netty also. They have such a good time with them and I do love to visit them! They do hold some wonderful conversations if you really listen close. Now after the passing of winter and as we move on into Spring fully, the chickens are enjoying all the new grass and bugs too! Of course in it all, this means an abundance of eggs! If you have never had a fresh-from-the-farm egg, put it on your list of things to do! Yes Virginia, there is a difference! Although I can't keep chickens living here in the village, I do try to simplify and teach my daughters the same. They will be faced with a world of technology, but it doesn't mean that they can't balance life with the simple goodness of fresh eggs and a garden.
I wish I could get my chickens to sit on my head...or even my shoulder...I'll have to train them up in the way they should go, so they won't part from it when they are big hens...How exciting to be getting eggs. I can't wait for that next year...we are finishing the chicken run this week, and finally, they'll get to go outside!!(without danger of hawks and owls) I love the picture of the chickens through the old glass - that is absolutely lovely. I love it when you share!
oh Stacy, I loved reading all of this...and seeing Dearie resting on your lovely head...and to see chickens through Netty's nearly 200 year old windows. Bliss.
I have just one little chick that comes to me-even being a little banty chick she is still smaller than the others...she may want to snuggle on my head...we'll have to give it a try!
What a delightful place to come and visit here.
I look forward to coming for a visit. yes, I love it when you share,too.
Aren't chickens just fascinating? I didn't realize it until I met Dearie! I love to go to Netty's and see through the "eye's" of her house. I imagine so many generations of chickens have been seen through the glass of that grand lady house.....such thoughts are breath taking to me! It warms my heart to know that you both enjoy these things too!
Oh how lovely
Wish I had a Dearie to
come around the garden with
me. and the eggs are so
simply divine!!
thanks for sharing, Deena
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