A Unique Primitive Art with a whisper to the past~

These truly ARE the voices in my head.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

It's Almost Time....

The days have been working very hard to become longer and Mid Summer's Eve is tomorrow.

How does it get here so fast?

I have been fast at work with several projects and one of them will be happening next week.

The FIRST Picturetrail Show for me this year.
I have lots to put up, 
so get ready...
 this will be the only one for a few months.

I have no Shoppe to fill and it rained all day for half of the Sharon Springs event. 
 There is plenty to be had.
A maid?
Perhaps two? 
Company with Tea?
There will be quite a bit to choose from.

I also received a box of samples to go through. 
A good chance to get something special  for Fall or Winter.

The past weekend brought us to the very first Renaissance Fair to this area.

This girl was in heaven...
and henna.

Early Works opened also.
 Branwen (Welsh for "beautiful Raven") was immediately adopted.
The response was so wonderful~
Thank you to all who tried to get their email through and be the first....
and for all of your kind words and encouragement.

She is very different for me, 
but yet she is so true to my heart.I can't wait to continue her spirit and challenge myself.

"I think we do our best work as designers when we show truth."

Mondo Guerra

1 comment:

susan hemann said...

Oh my!!! I love her! Reminds me of the masks doctors wore during the Black Death to ward off the plague. I grew up doing the Renaissance Fayre with my mother in Bay Village Ohio, I would sell my dolls and hand painted items. It was great fun. My children grew up with it every year too. I sure learned a lot from herbalists, artists, shows etc.. Thank you, Sue