A Unique Primitive Art with a whisper to the past~

These truly ARE the voices in my head.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Ready for 2014

This past year has been full of blessings for me. That's not to say, that it didn't have it's rough patches. I truly believe it was a change in a more inviting lifestyle: embracing the goode and positive energy. We had times that weren't so goode, like everyone else, but we kept faith and did the best we could for a positive outcome. I started naming my Simple Joys at the end of my day on Face Book. I was amazed and touched at just how many of my friends messaged me or commented, even doing their own. Who would have thought? Oh, there was one "Negative Nellie" but as my Dad would say, not everyone is a gem. Hopefully, kindness will prevail and they will learn the power of positive.

The year before had been more of a rough patch. I truly had to let go of toxic people and walk away. I did so very quietly, without drawing attention to anyone or attracting drama. You see, I forgave all of them and especially one....again. The behaviors had not changed, but I was wiser. I learned that sometimes it is just best to let them go ~ show everyone exactly who they were. This person was a lesson for me both times I allowed her into my life.  A goode friend pointed out that you never have to tell the world all that you want the world to think that you are, you just have to live your life the best that you know how...and in the end what matters is those lives that you have touched and made better. 

Even when someone tries to tear you down, have faith that you know exactly who you are. People see. In today's world, emails intended to be private go forward and reaffirm exactly who they are. They are a reflection of their own negativity and unhappiness. They give me too much of their energy instead of living their lives. Not everyone is going to like you, it's their business not yours, but when they try to tear you down because of their own shortcomings...forgive them and trust that the right people know the truth.

I walked away and instead I am learning to become aware and to be grateful to all Universe gives me. I took on the lifestyle and learned that you surround yourself with those that live their life in the same gratitude and positive energy.....you let the toxic go. If they haven't learned by your example, they are probably comfortable in the world that they have made for themselves. I found that it was much easier to forgive the second time around. Lessons learned. I am confident in who I am and what I do. I'm busy living  and being thankful for all that has come my way. Yes, I forgive and hope that they receive kindness. They need it the most.

The blessings received, just keep coming. I am having a great time exploring different designs and techniques. Confident that my style will only grow clearer and clearer. I am trying and exploring techniques that are newer to my sewing skills. I am certainly blessed to have the ability to do what I love from my home. I am grateful for this blessing, especially on those snowy days such as this, to not have to travel.

Sometimes when you go through your archive of designs, you see the little something that wasn't there before. I fully believe after years of doing the mice, that if you keep the vision in your head of what you want, you will get there when the time is right. As self taught in sewing and patterning, I had to put my time in and be patient in my growth. 2013 blossomed for me in grasping just how to execute the Mousels among other things...

Oh how well it worked....I am where I had envisioned a rat should be all those  years ago when I first did Nat the Rat.

....the confidence and growth within seemed to explode and as an Artist, I can't tell you how goode that feels. 

I even started the chalkware line! I've wanted to do chalkware since the early 90's. There wasn't much information out there then. I did sculpt for someone that did, and they took time to show me the process and encourage me to continue.....but life was busy with family matters then.

Now, my children are grown and trying out their wings. We spent some time together for the holidays........

Meeting Jessie's rescue, Sammy for the first time (he looks so much like our Molly!). Jess is on break from college, but busy as ever with her critters, work and her special guy.

Bailey seems to be coming along and I am proud of her as she tries to make her own way, She has come so far since her Asperger's diagnosis. Last month she was able to do something that we were told may never happen....getting her driver's license. 

In this picture, I had asked the girls to make a goofy face for the camera. "I don't know how" was Bailey's reply. Things that you and I take for granted, she is still learning. With Jessie's help, she got in to it!

They've got it now.....

There are changes ahead for The Goode Wife in 2014. I'm not sure if we will keep our little shop that we have been given the opportunity to try out. If it is meant to be, it will be....

While we work on that decision, I am mapping and planning some of the things ahead. There are opportunities that continue to come in.  I am working on some of the things that I didn't get to last year. We are truly blessed here at the Wee Cottage and ready to take on this brand-spanking New Year .


Lady Locust said...

Thank you. I needed these words. What an inspiring post.

corinne said...

As we embrace the potential for a new year, your post sorts out many of my feelings as well. While circumstances are different I have learned over the last two years many things. For that I am grateful.

Your work is amazing and I have made two of your patterns thus far, the others are waiting patiently for their debut. Thank your for sharing your vision, talent and process. Happy New Year!