A Unique Primitive Art with a whisper to the past~

These truly ARE the voices in my head.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Just A Little Different

Yesterday, as I was finishing Wee Folk for Early Work Mercantile, I was thinking how different life is for me as compared to others.
It may be different....but it is never boring.

The kitchen has a "creating station".  On upload days, it tends to grow. There are paintbrushes drying in the dish drainer, along with silverware.

A variety of paints, sealers and glues hang out with a bowl of instant coffee, mixed to just the right level for "aging".

If there are good smells from the oven...generally it is nothing that anyone wants to eat, when I take it out.

I do use the coffee table for coffee....and stitching and building.....it also works great for sculpting.

If you come to visit, there is usually some level of "Creative Disarray"....it mirrors the disarray  in my head as well. As one character is finished, I have 3 more in my head that I try not to lose!

In it all, I may not have a fancy job. A showroom house....nor am I a slave to fashion.

I have the ability, however, to do what I love ~ give back to the Universe, the gift that I was given.  I get to inspire others to create along the way.


Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

blooming where you're planted is one of the best ways to grow ~ my old farmhouse is my studio, as well as my yard, woods and fields... you are comfortable in your own skin and it shows my wise friend! LOVE that lamb doll btw~
Blessed be!

Corinne said...

I am in love with Annwyn. Your talent is amazing, where ever you work the results are so amazing. I love a house that mirrors its owners. Sounds like yours does. Thanks for sharing.

Lori Ann Corelis said...

Long ago I realized that I don't have a studio in our house . . . it's more like we live in my studio :-)
It's all part of creativity that cannot be contained!
By your beautiful work . . . obviously your creative style works perfectly!

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

Stacey, your kitchen sounds much like mine when I am creating. Paint brushes and a bottle of coffee stain, paints, foil and glues abound. I always feel badly when the Mister comes home from work and says...mmmm...you've been baking...and I have to tell him...I am sorry..it's only body parts!
Love your newest creation!