A Unique Primitive Art with a whisper to the past~

These truly ARE the voices in my head.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

An Old Fashioned Winter

It seems that every time the snow melts off from this, more comes to stay.

Another favorite outdoor piece that has moved with me. Hoping that some wee birdie family will make their home in it this Spring.

Miss Alice is still shy, but nearly has all her finishing touches done.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
It seems, that an old fashioned winter has grabbed on to our neck of the woods and it is sharing with more of the rest of the country than usual. It is one for the books at least. With it comes so many memories! From dipping a pitcher in the milk vat at the barn, to make the best tasting hot chocolate, to sledding over various hills and skating on a nearby pond. It is a great season for snowmobiles here also.... oh the fun we had as teens! Trail riding, racing in cornfields in nearby Vermont and cooking hamburgers over a camp fire. 

My work is still at a much slower pace as we spend weekends at my Mom's to cook and run errands. There is still much work to do settling in but I have been able to sketch new wee folk ideas here and there. 

There was no American Holiday Artist release this month as the leaders are reformatting the site~ our big reopening will be on the 25th of February and with it, an artist's challenge. Miss Alice won't be making an appearance if my challenge piece turns out well! Until then, I will be spending my time with new sculptures and new pattern releases. My days in the little Cape on Curry road are full and happy.....no matter the weather.


The Rustic Victorian said...

Hi Stacey,
I am glad you are surviving the winter and a very busy week. Soon we will see spring....it has been one for the record book...even in the south.

Did you get my email?

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

I love your work and can hardly wait to see your Alice finished!
Winter here in upstate New York has been hard this year and we are up to it in snow and I am ready for an early Spring. Oh for a few Zinnias right now!
Tina xo