This Goode Wife is still forging ahead with projects and new friends to be made. It has been three months since my Father went home. He is missed terribly, but embraced in our days with so many joyful memories. I am working as I can, remembering his wishes that I share with the world, what I love. My New Pattern Website is dedicated to him. It's been on hold since May, but finally it is really on it's way! A click on the picture will take you to a new beginning. In the weeks ahead I will be adding patterns as I can and I'll be a learning the process to maintain it on my own. A special Thank you to Jan of Big Brown Dog Graphics for her enduring patience and artistry in bringing my vision forth.
Tomorrow evening, I will be uploading two offerings on TDIPT Mercantile and will be fast at work, creating for my final show of the season as well as my biggest show of the year in January. The new year ahead holds much excitement for me as my little friends will hold a bigger presence. You will see some in stores and others in magazines. Eventually, I hope that you will see them as stamps and note cards. A special Thank You to Sandra Evertson for encouraging me!
Congratulations Stacey,
your new website is wonderful!
I'm looking forward to seeing more as you add your lovely touches.
Dear Stacey,
I took one look at Isabella on TDIPT and was smitten! I then had to know who was her creator so I visited here! I am now a follower and look forward to viewing your creative processes! Stay blessed!
Janice Moore-Petty
Cheeky Rose Boutique
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