A Unique Primitive Art with a whisper to the past~

These truly ARE the voices in my head.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We Are Pooped!

OK, it's official, we had a great holiday and we are all very tired out. It started Friday night for us as my youngest brother surprised us with a visit. It has been three years and I'm sure that he didn't expect that his nieces would be pretty close to looking him in the eye! He was able to spend quality time with all of us. He helped bring my Father home for 2 visits. I cooked us all a big Sunday dinner making my Grandmother's Spaghetti Sauce. It is such a treat now, not only because it feeds an army, but because of the diabetic/renal/heart diet in this house.
On Memorial Day, we sprung Dad loose for the parade and ceremonies at the Village Park. I'm awaiting the pictures to share of 2 generations of Veterans side by side. Father and Son; four wars between them (2 each). I'm very proud of them both, very thankful to have them because we grew up knowing the price, knowing that Freedom isn't free. My brother is at his home tonight and we are here, thankful of precious time shared. Memories made. A good tired.

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