Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Introducing, The Goode Witch of Washington County

This Good Wife is Pooped!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Come See The Good Wives!

Monday, September 22, 2008
First, I would like to share our weekend with all of you. You may have noticed that the music has changed a wee bit. Saturday was Jessie's 13th Birthday and we celebrated with a day out, at the Irish 2000 Festival. Just outside of Albany, in a little sleepy village of Altamont, a festival has been held for 12 years now. It is a rather full day of music, as two huge tents and a very large pavilion hold many a music lover and bands play continuously. We saw my favorite, Seven Nations. They played at the torch lighting ceremony at the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City. Also, local favorite, Hair of the Dog brought huge smiles to all of us. You may hear a familiar tune from the movie, Titanic. Yes, Gaelic Storm was there. We had a wonderful day and were all exhausted when we closed our eyes that night. As many of you know, my daughter, Bailey has an Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Going to an event like this is a big ordeal for her. She did well, the crowds made her a little antsy at times, but we were able to redirect her so that she was able to enjoy herself and be just like anyone else.
Now, I'd like to present to you, the latest and most requested pattern I've ever been asked for, Jake. A little about how Mr. Jake came to be.... I had just gone to visit Netty one early Fall day last year and was greeted by Ted Turner, the Turkey. He announced my arrival and we had a short conversation before he continued his day, protecting the homestead and eating. Later that afternoon I sketched a bit, hoping to come up with a somewhat funny looking, skinny mouse. You've met him already as Seth Warner, my little Revolutionary War mouse. As I drew these angular lines, I thought one looked a lot like Ted, so I continued until the full body was drawn. It's one of those drawings whose spirit is fully shown in a matter of minutes. I chuckled and thought to myself, "now that is something Tim, my hunter, would like". It wasn't until a whole month later, that I did him up for "To Dwell In Primitive Times Mercantile". I thought to myself that no one would want such a lanky Jake when there were so many nice looking turkeys to be had out there. I could have not been so wrong. Jake was sold in minutes and there were requests for more of him...more than I could keep up with! So many of you have asked for him to be a pattern.. and I mean MANY. I am truly humbled with this guy, whose spirit was born in a few quick gesture lines and whose popularity has been unsurpassed in my pattern journey. I want to thank all of you for your request for him and taking the time to let me know how much you enjoy the patterns . This one is for all of you.Friday, September 19, 2008
Jakes on Parade

Monday, September 15, 2008
September Offerings

Tim had a wonderful surprise two weeks ago as I was able to stay for a weekend at the Good Comfort Cottage. He took a room at the cottage and made it into a computer room and studio for me. He worked very hard to have my favorite "schmarm" table, sewing table and treasures set up to inspire. Molly and Rosie are content at our feet as we worked along this past weekend. Bobo the cat was very happy when I arrived with a new box of stuffing. She likes to curl up in it and check out it's loft.
I was only able to put up two offerings on TDIPT this time. I'm busy finishing an order for a dear loved one and getting ready for a show at the end of the month. The postcards have all gone out and it will be nice to say hello to friends that visit the blog and live nearby. Netty and I are looking forward to this adventure and both of us are at full speed in creating.
I wanted to share pictures of my two TDIPT offerings. I had such a good time with them. Durell was a celebration of my continued love of wire.. and Mrs. Brimfield well, she was my heart's surprise. An artists work is bringing what is in the mind and soul outward. Sometimes the idea takes a little trip and weaves itself in an out. What you have pictured exactly in your mind, may not quite match what your hands have done, but it happily speaks what the thought was. I enjoy realism, but whimsy generally takes over and sometimes all realism is lost in the final piece. Not this time~ Mrs. Brimfield surpassed what I had in my minds eye and joyfully surprised me with her outcome. She is one of those pieces that you shed a tear over as you pack her for her journey to her new home. I know without a doubt that the person adopting her feels the same and she will be treasured. I realise in it all, how blessed I truly am.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Silence, Prayer and Remembrance

I would like to take a moment and give thanks to all who served their country so well and gave so unselfishly during this time.
- To my little brother Steve who was serving Air Force 2, I'm glad that I was able to be with you in the days following. We all grew up a little more, and I am so very proud of you for ALL of your service.
- To my cousin , Brett. We did not know until many weeks later how you took it upon yourself to make your way to Ground Zero and look for survivors. You gave, so unselfishly. I know that you now have respiratory problems as many others do. I pray that others such as yourself can receive the care that they need so badly and insurance companies come through for all of you.
- To my other family members that served alongside their brothers in the Fire Department and National Guard. We are ever thankful.
These men and women are but such a tiny part of the many that served and continue to serve. They are all the heartbeat of our country. I ask that all of you take a moment to say a prayer for all of those that lost their lives seven years ago, and for the men and women that continue to serve our country, military or not and keep us safe.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Finding The Right Steps To The Dance

Monday, September 1, 2008
Where Did The Summer Go?

My posts here may come a little slower for a bit, but it is just temporary. There are shows ahead and 2 patterns to be released I hope by next week. Eleanor, and Jake. I will post them here when they are ready. Until then enjoy Summer's sweet end and the bounty of Harvest with friends and family.