Our Spidey powers were with us as we were Michigan bound. |
I worked all year for this....
the biggest honor
of my art journey.
Tim had spent
the last 3 months
keeping house...
making meals...
and going solo
to family and friend events.
My surgeries had put me behind.
I had to make up for lost time
and abilities.
An overnight stop on the way, to see family in Buffalo!!!
The start of a new tradition~ |
I also knew,
it would take a village.
Nothing of this scale,
comes without others.
And so I enlisted
dear friends.
Thank you Pea, for my amazing Banner.
It truly made the booth beautiful!
Thank you for also being as beside, as beside can be,
when you live on the other coast! |
I called upon my Ohio friends,
that we had not seen in 6 years
at the Simple Goods show.
We have been friends for many years,
but we don't get a chance to see each other.
Could you????
They became my set builders...
set up/tear down crew
and basically
they ran the ship,
so that the Goode Wife booth
could shine
and run smooth.
We couldn't have done this without them.
Thank you Angie and Jake
for all that you did
and for being such a huge
part of our journey family!
We are already excited
for next September~
Kaf and Joyce of
Grimitives and Enchanted Productions.
I met fellow artists,
that I had long admired. This show is more than a show... it is a family. They embrace you, they guide you. They hold you up when you feel shaky! |
Hi Becky~ my neighbor across the way! |
Set up was ...
and FUN!!!
Lots of Ladyes and ratties! my Nattie Rats, in this style are now retired after 6 years.
A few last minute changes; lots of encouragement~ and everyone telling us... "this will be unlike any show you have ever done" (we were already seeing this!) |
Kaf really did bring Cape Cod to Michigan as promised! |
We were all
giddy and silly that morning,
before the opening!
ARRRR!!!! ~congratulations Kaf on winning Best Booth!
A peek of some favorites! |
Nicol Sayer's work is stunning! who woulda thunk, that I would see her work up close and in person! |
My breath stopped at Nicol's booth~
She has been an inspire
for so many years.
Oh Carolee! You paint magic! |
The King of Mice Studio
and the magic paintbrush
of Carolee.
~Hats in the Belfry~ |
How cool are these hats??
We saw many a
amazing noggin
throughout the day!
The Acorn Cottage |
I fell in love with David's
artitstry and imaginative booth!
Enchanted Productions is right!! how fun! |
As a doll maker,
I have loved Joyce's
work for years!
Joyce is just as magical as her dollies!
Joyce has stitching magic within her for sure~ |
Monkey Cats Studio
Laurie Harding's skill at Paper Mache and painting, makes for collector's treasures! How could you not smile just looking at her booth?
Dustin and Matt
...and these two? Dustin creates and Matt runs a tight ship! (full of laughter, of course).
They took me under wing in the most amazing way. .....I am still reeling and shaken~
My art journey is forever changed.
my favorite piece of the show because...IRISH!!!! |
you can see the pores
in his face
in person~
such an attention to detail!
Prim Pumpkin |
are so unique~
I am in awe of their coloring~
and the freckles just make
your heart smile.
I am in love~~~
Rucus Studio
I would have never dreamed, that I would have the opportunity to see Scott's work. I have admired his mastery for a long time. The details up close and in person~ just amazing! (I think I am using that word too much in this post~ but I call it as I see it!) |
group smile!!!
...and then we were called... time for a group picture before the show begins. lots of laughter!
Angie, Rebecca and I |
I was able to meet
friends and collectors
that have been
a part of my journey
from it's beginning.
along with husband Jake,
kept the booth running smooth.
is a collector,
that I have long
to meet and say
Angie, me, Diane and sister Erine
The night before, while at the hotel~ Angie and I had met up with longtime friend Diane along with her sister, Erine. So we were in prime giggle mode, by the time that we met up again at the show. |
Rene, Ang and I
....And this gal~ blows me away. Rene has been a part of my journey for many years. Can you believe she is a race car driver??? She also is talented in many other ways~ patterns, lamp beads, folk art.. and a stitching magician. She made this upcycled outfit. oh. my. goodness. |
Nicol Sayer and I
... I was able to meet Nicol Sayer. all those years ago, as I sat in the 1812 house with Netty, she shared the Holly Berry Hill catalog. I was forever changed when I walked into the 1812 house, and then as I saw the catalogs I collected them as well and would pour over them for hours~ soaking up the drawings and the works of the artists. The catalog itself was an artful masterpiece. ...this group of artists inspired me. I had little sewing experience other than basics in Home Ec (which was not my best grade). I would not be this far without their inspiration.
To meet Nicol was to come full circle.
Suddenly, it was over. we packed everything up. went to the hotel~ had dinner and crashed. |
Me, Jennie, Kaf, Laurie and Joyce |
The next morning,
many of us gathered.
Lots of laughter.
one of my treasures (I also have the sister) Mourning Glory Jewelry by Avery
Unbelievable~ is the family that welcomed us with open arms. Such gifted artists along with, the loved ones that help us as we join together to make a magical show. |
Avery, you are my spirit sister... it's like you saw my soul.
I know that I am so late in getting this to you.
I needed to recoup and regroup. I had time with family...
I have been so blown away, with the friends that lifted, guided and rocked me to my core. I am forever changed.
My heart, my soul my journey. I am sorry that I didn't get so many other booths, and pictures of new friends and fellow artists (and their support teams!).
The level of artistry~ the gifts we are given as makers, is unique to each of us.
This group celebrates... Celebrates each other .... celebrates those that do all of the support work to make it happen.... and celebrates the love of Halloween.
I am back... and rested. Building my plan.. challenging myself~ and ready to post more frequently.