A Unique Primitive Art with a whisper to the past~

These truly ARE the voices in my head.

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Call of Fall

This morning has once again dawned overcast, but gone is the steamy humidity and a big chill sets in for the next couple of days. The skies change from milky to dark gray and a misty cold rain falls. The candles are burning and Mother Nature is giving me a nudge to keep me fueled with Fall inspire.

For me, it is more than a love of Halloween, it is wrapping up in the yesterdays of olde. A little history..a sprinkle of Puritan and I find my heart content. I love my wee Dollhouse; the rituals and treasures that make it ever changing and ever filled with possibilities. They set the stage and Mother Earth gives me a reminder every once in awhile and I am lost for the day......except... I  need one more thing to seal the spell....a mug of Hot Chocolate.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Works of Heart

I saw this lovely Lily of the Valley heart idea on Pinterest last year, but time escaped me and I didn't follow through. As my Lilies opened this year, I was determined. It's not that it took a long time to do ~ in a few minutes, it was complete...it's just tearing myself away from what I am working on.
Sound familiar?

Art is truly a wonderful journey of self exploration. while there is really no concept that hasn't been done, it is how we choose to put our personal stamp on it. With me lately, it is not just about  making a mouse or sculpting a piece, it becomes a bigger picture. I love the play of texture and form...I love a range of whites. I am drawn to areas that that have been painted and how, in time, the wood shows it's grain...it's voice.

Of course, those that really know me, know that there always has to be humor! Nothing like a photo bomb, right?

Create what tugs at your heart, you will never go wrong. Time will put a stamp on what you do and with time, you and others will see what is clearly you. No matter where concepts, or heartstrings lead trust that your style, your heart will come through.

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Magic of Fridays

I love this time of year. The smell of the grass as the lawn is mowed....birdsong that begins before the sun rises and the magic of Fridays. 

Do understand that  I have worked mostly retail and my own business. Rarely a Monday through Friday job....but I do try to make weekends more of a family time this time of year, as shows will creep into the Holiday Season. It's not for long, but it is treasured. 

I've finished this week of packing orders and getting my first Early Work offering. It has been  jam packed  and steady. I'll still "work" this weekend; but it will be creating, designing and putting some finishing touches on a few of my Wee friends.  Tonight I am smiling and ready to dig in... two whole days of POSSIBILITIES!  How can you not be excited???  ~ it's the magic; the favorite part of what I do...and it starts right now!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Fickle Month of May

May can be a fickle month here in Upstate New York.  She teases you with warm temperatures and lures you into opening your windows for gentle breezes by day and the lulling of peepers by night....Iced tea is made, the grill is getting a workout and the gardens are starting to take shape. Then, without any warning, she sneaks Jack Frost back in to have one last Runamuck!

For me, I have been busy with family and work.  I do want to thank everyone that took part in my sale ~ It was amazing and I'm still working on orders!

In between it all, I have been busy squeezing some creating in. Life gets so busy from May to December for me. I am getting the show applications in as fast as they are coming in the mail, it seems. I will settle on a few nice shows and leave some time for my other endeavors. 

This morning was my first appearance on Early Work Mercantile. I awoke to several requests to adopt dear Stella. The emails have still continued with requests to see more. When one door closes, another opens.  I have come to Early Work, the place that was the best fit for my work. Thank you Tina for the invite, and thank you Mr. Frost for the inspire.

Altho Stella is spoken for, please click on her picture and enjoy the very talented works of some wonderful Ladyes~

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Celebrate '13

It's fun to look back and see where we were and just how far we have come. Raven's Haven Folk Art Patterns have officially turned 10 years old.  The sewing journey started 5 years earlier though. I had 
no sewing experience. A "D" on my sewing attempt of a shirt in Home Economics, in 7th grade. Talk about being self taught!

Although I giggle about having a pattern company and not knowing how to sew~ it certainly made my success. I kept it simplified because I didn't know how to sew.I admit, that it was daunting at first and not many doll makers would share. My Mentor simply told me to draw it out on fabric, stitch it up and stuff it. Sometimes it will work out and sometimes it won't. She is a Vermonter to the core, but with her words, she gave me wings. While I watched others switch a bunch of pattern parts around from other designers and call it theirs; I was using my gift of drawing. I could truly go to a show and say, these are my own designs.....and that I did.

Until the economy got wobbly. With the help and a huge shove of an Internet friend, he walked me through the scary parts. I took a 8 week course in my county for how to start your own business and still my knees were just as wobbly as the economy. In order to make a living, I needed to do more than just local shows and patterns were an answer. My designs were good sellers and when shared with other doll makers, they did do pretty good. ....but a pattern?

I approach my designs as a problem to solve and with not much experience, it was all about simple and straightforward  Primitives have a simplicity to them. Clean lines and technique. A seasoned seamstress may wince, but most seem to just have fun.

As I have grown, so have the patterns. Most are simple, but none are difficult. I try to keep them fun and make sure that they don't take too long. It works....10 years, yes, that is something to celebrate!

My patterns will be on sale until Sunday, May 12th at midnight. We are celebrating Mother's Day too! This is the last weekend. You can click on any pattern and you will find yourself there.


Thank you so much for a successful sale. Happy stitching, everyone !

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Early Works

I have been doing a lot of thinking over many months. I enjoy doing local shows and have had some fun opportunities besides. I sit down every six months or so and make a plan...what works, what doesn't and most of all~ what do I want to do???

I had thought with the closing of TDIPT, that I would simply take a break for awhile.....but goode things fall on your lap. Well, more than goode, here~ simply wonderful! 

I was contacted by Early Works Mercantile. Over the past couple of years, I have watched this talented group grow to become a stunning site. One of the plans that I have been working towards, is to lean towards a more Early and Primitive style~ to go back where I love to create. It was like a sign...so here I go! I will open my spot on May 15th and I have a couple of goode pieces, I have been working on. I believe they will fit in rather nicely.

Until I get there, do stop by and enjoy the many Artisans and their goode work. A click on the picture above will take you