A Unique Primitive Art with a whisper to the past~

These truly ARE the voices in my head.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sunshine & Whimsy

 Today, I have two sweet offerings for Simply Primitives. When I work, there are two things that you can count on, that I am listening to beloved movies or classical music. Either will keep me, "in my zone" to a time I am drawn to. There is no clutter of lyrics and I can put my everything in my work. If it is a movie, it is one that I have watched over and over or read in such away, that I don't have to watch the screen; I can be lulled by it as I work. I have passed this on to those I have mentored, just as it was passed to me. I even get a giggle to see that the one person, I had to let go for dishonesty, still makes it very public that she keeps this lesson close as she works along. Anyways, my wee Amy is small, but full of character in her simple expression. Her inspire was the movie made from my favorite novel, Little Women. Dear, impish Amy March~
 .....And wee little Maisy? She is inspired by another movie that keeps me company and is also a novel. The Secret Life of Bees. This wee one has a huge love of bees and the sweetness of their honey, which they kindly share with her. The bees and their hive can teach you many lessons in life.
And finally.....The cycle of life as it circles in our gardens. Thousands of baby spiders are hatched and use the Parsley to start their life journey. They will keep our gardens under proper care and balance this Summer. It's the simple joys~ 


kavettahulse said...

Oh I love your frog. It is adorable.

kavettahulse said...

I forgot to say I love your mouse too!! But, the spiders are gross! I hate spiders, they creep me out!

The Cinnamon Stick said...

LOL!!! Not too sure about the spiders either by Maisy is too sweet!! Great Photography!!!

Norine/Surprise, AZ USA said...

Hi Stacey!
Love your blog...love your patterns!
I once, unknowingly, stood by a little brood of baby spiders in my arbor when they decided to take flight. Much nicer to witness in a photo or holding the camera, lol.
Have a happy day!
Grunge Goddess Primitives/AHA

maddyrose said...

These two little ones are so precious. The spiders, not so much.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Sweet!! Stacey your work always makes me smile so big! I love it!!
xx, shell