Birthday's are always so dependable and come along every year, right on time. "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night...I'm forty eight today and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. The day will be nearly the same as most and a little more special than some. Life really is a journey and I still have a lot of journey left. Just like any other road trip, I'll interrupt it from time to time and ask...."Are we there yet?"
OMG.... am I that much older than you??? Well heck I sure don't act it! Happy Birthday Buddy! Here's wishing each other many more to come...we let to many of them pass us by due to petty indifference's and lack of good form. No one will ever dictate to me how I should feel about another person again...after all I'm a grown-up heh heh! Love ya, Pam
With age comes wisdom, huh? Or at least that's what they say! WE are the "fly by the seat of our pant's" kinda gals, and well.. it's all about being comfortable in who you are. They can keep June Cleaver, cause Lucy and Ethel are really where it's at!
Wishing you a happy day and a wonderful journey through the next year. And never,never grow up!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Goode Witchy Poo & I say that with all the love in my heart! As usual, Im a day late & a dollar short...tee hee but my wishes for you are most sincere.
I have to piggy back onto what Pam shared about being sorry for not knowing then what I know now...I too learned a painful lesson about the importance of being true to myself...Youve helped guide me with having & being a goode friend. Love ya chickie!
Hope you are still celebrating, Stace! My best to you for the year to come! It shall be a great one!! Hugs and love, Trudy
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