Bailey came running in from school with her boyfriend, Joe in tow. She was breathless as she exclaimed, "Pajamas on inside out tonight, we are having a snow day tomorrow!" The clouds have been marching in since late afternoon and you can feel the damp chill. They are at the school now for a basketball game and will come home to hot chocolate before bed. It's part of the spell, and best when a cinnamon stick peeks out over the edge. I'm sure that she will have Joe promise to wear his pajama's inside out and backwards tonight too. She will call Tim also and have him do the same (which he loves). The girls and I have been doing this since Bailey started school and I love the magic of it. I hope that we never, ever outgrow it!
Ms. Mead~
Loooove that, so sweet!
Something that your girls will treasure forever, even if they do not yet know how special it truely is!
Looking for an address ma'am, these stamps want to fly away home to you! :)
Stacey, That is SSOOO great! I love it. Made my day. Robin
What a sweet tradition...love it.
Thanks for sharing ~~
Hugs ~ Connie xox
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