There is an Arctic blast heading our way, and you can see the wind picking up and blowing the snow from the trees. I'm all snug at the busy house with the wood stove keeping us warm. There is plenty of hot tea to keep me happy as I work away through the next couple of weeks. It's the final push for me to complete work and shows that have been steady since July. I'm heading for the Heritage Show at the end of the month with new friends and old in tow. I won't be able to post much until my return in February, but after a couple days rest, I will be back at work with some goode things for all of you. I'm excited to look ahead to another wonderful year of goode friends, dolls and drawings ...and perhaps a new adventure or two. Let the cold wind blow and come gather yourself with winter projects and a goode creative spirit.
Good luck!..and hope you will return...
love your bloog..
best wishes..
Stacey ~~ Good Luck and have Fun at the show !! Safe Travel and I'll check back in when you return. Hugs ~ Connie xox
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