The Raven's Haven Pattern line turns 5 years old today. There are 113 patterns now. I remember taking a Micro enterprise course given by the county in hopes that it would quiet all my fears about making a living from my art and how to go about it. A leap of faith taken and here I am. I've had wonderful customers touch my life and make even the dreaded chore of getting everything ready for taxes, worth every minute of it. I have never worked such long hard hours and given so much of my heart . I'd do it all over again without a thought. The best way I could think of to celebrate was to give back to all of you. I could not have made it without you. That's where this little guy comes in. Meet Little Creek.
Little Creek was a request from Tim after I made him Rosie the beagle. Tim is a rabbit hunter and Rosie is best team mate. When he asked me to make him a running rabbit, I thought I would go for the long stretch look, but Tim had a different version in mind. We sat one afternoon looking up pictures of rabbits in motion, to get what he had in mind. Because I draw, faster than I can keep up and sew, I have asked friends and new artists to try some of my designs, so that I could see if they needed tweaking. They can then use the design as long as they give designer credit to me. Thank you Doreen Frost, when you first put him on Crow Soup, I had many emails asking if he was a pattern. He was a bit small, so I sent him to be licensed instead. He has done well there, but many who saw him through Doreen, have written and asked if they could make him for themselves. I have taken the best part of both designs and made Little Creek, just for all of you. Little Creek is 8" long and 6" tall. If you would like to use him with Rosie, he will need to be reduced by 50% and you do have permission to do that. The pattern is FREE, and to get it, just send a LSASE to me,
Stacey Mead
PO BOX 165
Granville, NY 12832
Congratulations on 5 years!! What a leap of faith and how it has paid off for you!! Job well done, I say!! Thank you for your generousity in offering this free pattern!! My request will be in the mail!! LOL!!
Wow, 5 years, Stacey! That's wonderful! Your designs have continued to improve, too, and I always look forward to your new creations. Look for my request for Little Creek in the mail soon, and thanks for your generosity.
Big Brown Dog Primitives
Congrats on 5 yrs girl... That is so wonderful.
How wonderful on your design and how very sweet of you to share your vision and dreams with all of us.
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