A Unique Primitive Art with a whisper to the past~

These truly ARE the voices in my head.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Full Circle

December is
a time of reflection.

As I look back 20 years...
I see,
not just how much my life has changed,
but also 
how it has circled around.

I remember a little
Holly Berry Hill

It was all hand drawn.
Full of dollies that were inspired 
and the patterns~
oh my goodness!
It tugged at my heart
and made my soul smile.

In that tug 
and love
of yesteryear;
 of Thomas Nash
Little Women...
Dickens and Austen~
my head swirled...
and has continued to.

The things that hold 
the art of my heart~
are never 
in front of me,
but always behind.

And so...

my soul
answering back
the echo 
 Holly Berry Hill.

From her poke bonnet
the fabric of her dress.

I am so excited
to explore
and create more...

but first,
there are the holidays to enjoy
and projects that call.

Time with my beloved...
and with our family.

This December
has come
full circle
in a way
that I never expected...
but reminds me
to keep
the past
in my present.


Jean Bee said...

Oh my, I remember Holly Berry Hill! I have several of their patterns.

celkalee said...

I never cease to be amazed of your great talent. Merry Christmas.

Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

I remember the booklet well featuring, Ms. Sayre, Ms. Crocker... somethings in our lives have truly changed but our love of a simpler time holds us steadfast as we travel forward.
Wishing you a wonderful New Year and all the creations that lie ahead.

Susan x