A Unique Primitive Art with a whisper to the past~

These truly ARE the voices in my head.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Merry Hallowe'en

It couldn't be more perfect for a Hallowe'en celebration tonight. The breeze was crisp; the beloved smell of leaves and earth made her heady with excitement. Years of memories had attached themselves to that smell.

Fanny had planned this for an entire year....
suddenly she became pensive. It had taken so much hard work and loving care to grow her special blue pumpkins.....
just for tonight's celebration.

Ahhhh, she knew that when tomorrow dawned, the process would begin again....

and her heart smiled.

*Fanny Weed is a Pineberry Lane design


susan hemann said...

wonderful creation!!

Stacey said...

Thank you Susan! A wee bit of fun as I head back to the Odditorium to create for the next 2 shows....

dave said...

Just discovered your work on Etsy....love ,love love