A Unique Primitive Art with a whisper to the past~

These truly ARE the voices in my head.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

This Merry Month of May

May is here.
Much of Spring is still just beginning ~
it has been cold and damp.
So much rain, that many of Spring's treasures are appearing a little late this year.

An afternoon tea warms me and is welcomed.
It's still cool, upstairs where I sew. 
I have been working on new folk and playing with new  mediums.
I love designing....
trying new things, and new techniques.
Stepping back to old school Primitives and adding my style.
Needle and thread;
 making new friends and visiting old

A new show is fast approaching...
I am enjoying time with family,
walking the gardens in the back yard with the pups,
happy to see leaves and flowers sprouting.
Feeling uncaged from Winter...

May is a merry month indeed.


Debra said...

Discovered your blog through Notforgottenfarm, and I love the music! Is there a CD?

Надежда said...

Очень красиво!!!! такие милые и очаровательные!!!!

Stacey said...

Thank you so much for stopping by! The music is indeed beautiful and so many have written to say how much they enjoy it. I'm happy to pass the info one and support these young artists too. They are the Gothard Sisters, and if you scroll to the bottom, you will see the address for them on their video.

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Lovely creations indeed!
Hope May is a Merry month ~ so far it's been a rainy one!
Happy Creating!
Prim Blessings