A Unique Primitive Art with a whisper to the past~

These truly ARE the voices in my head.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Web Show Fun

Today was a perfect day to get everything ready for a Web Show. Wonderfully overcast and Sleepy Hollow like! It's been awhile, but I did promise that I would put some items up after my last Fall Show. There wasn't a lot, but there was enough! I have a passion for Puritan skellies~

And even though I sold out of Mrs. Munson, everywhere...I had to make a couple! they crack me up. If one or both decides to stay~ I don't mind. We chat.....

The chalkware has come full circle for me. Nearly 20 years ago, I searched for how to do this. I had grown up with Ceramics and this was what I wanted to learn. Unknowingly at the time, I asked a customer at the store that I was working at, if she knew the process. Later, we would become good friends and she would become more than a friend, but my Mentor. We would do shows together...and I would be right where I am now. I don't live so close anymore, but we still laugh and enjoy the memories that we have made over the years.

This has been a fun thing to put together for you and I hope that you stop by to take a peek. There are still goodies to be had~ click on any of these pictures and take a trip to the show!

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