I was taught by many....Mrs. Howe in Grade School, my Gram as we stitched up "Beans" the frog.... Mrs. B for those oil painting lessons. My Father ~ every step of the way. I'm proud to tell everyone that I was taught by many. I was touched by many more in my life and they certainly impacted my journey and taught me things. My gift was given...my motivation was strong....I was willing to learn; to take what I learned and improve my skills. I also made a point of giving back to others and still do to this day.
I know that I would not have succeeded with this piece when I was in Art School; they taught me the technical ability...but I had to grow my gift.
In it all, I didn't think I was ready. Faces are so difficult for me. This technique was unconventional in my choice of paint also (I made my own). While it certainly came out better than I imagined, there were times that I though I had failed and it would find it's way to the trash. Motivation and the knowledge that I had nothing to lose brought me here. Now, I know I can grow and do better. It took a Village of people for me to get here....
There are still people that will touch my life; to inspire and share, as I will with them..it's a circle. I'm happy about that. The pieces that you do are your voice, but there was a chorus of teachers behind you to give you the ability to make your piece sing loud and clear. Cheers to so many that inspire and share.
I am happy with the direction that my work is going and growing. There are changes ahead for me and I am anxious to explore and learn some new teachings...as well as share what I have been taught.