A Unique Primitive Art with a whisper to the past~

These truly ARE the voices in my head.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Friends, Family, Turkey and Pie

 This Thanksgiving was spent with family, friends and a show.There are very few show years that have not included one on Black Friday. It would be easy not to. I could just say. "oh, it's a time to spend with family."  This is purely about friends and family over the years. Our family has always opened our hearts during this Holiday Season. My Father worked many a Thanksgiving. He served our country overseas and protected us. He later served our County and Village while families sat together and ate, telling how they were thankful, but not knowing that it is the extension of time and service by others that gives the best meaning. There are Firemen,  Police Officers,Nurses, Doctors, Aides and other hard working people that most people don't think of until there is a need. I worked retail for twenty years and always worked a shift on Thanksgiving.The hustle and bustle and Black Friday crowds are not my cup of tea. It was never as important as those service fields until you looked beyond the crowds and saw your friends and family there. 
Our family is spread out from Afghanistan to Arizona and hours from this sleepy little village in New York. My holiday started on Wednesday as Jess and her boyfriend, Chris trekked up the mountains of Vermont so that we could set up for the show. There were memories made and smiles as we saw fellow vendors that I had not seen but for this show. How quickly we become friends and a sort of family over the years. On Friday morning, bright and early, we all gather at the playhouse and do our last minute touches as we share our holiday and catch up with those not seen on Wednesday. The doors open and for the next two days we enjoy people that love the gift of handmade. For some it is their first time, but for others it is well beyond.It is that special gift as they make a love connection for their someone special.Customers that have been collecting my work for over 10 years, still come and visit along with family that live near the area. We laugh, we cry, we hug and enjoy. We have become extended family and this is our time to get together. My work will be carefully wrapped for someone to love on Christmas morning. The smiles and love will be passed on for another year. It makes it all worth it to see the love connections between these wee folk I make and the friendships that continue. Even the snowy ride home made memories that we will keep. I can't imagine spending this holiday without opening it up beyond my immediate family and including all of you.


The Rustic Victorian said...

Hello Sweet Stacey,
So true, the connections with others, in the end that is what is important. I think you are very blessed. I love the little dog now with the hat, I bought the little dog from you at MSquare, I have him on the shelf in my sewing room.
How wonderful to have snow. It was 75 degrees on Thanksgiving here in Alabama,,it has cooled now. I miss the northern weather, but it is minor in the course of things. I hope your winter will be filled with many good connections. I

Stacey said...

Marcie~ It's wonderful to see you here!We had such fun didn't we? Google the Nine Cutting Fingers~ there is a video ~ i do the stretches every morning and evening and it is helpful~ I may still need surgery,but I'm able to sew more and much less pain~ woohoo!


Gerry Heng said...

Awesome post. Makes me think back to everything.