A Unique Primitive Art with a whisper to the past~

These truly ARE the voices in my head.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Looking Back, Looking Forward

Like most of you, it is a time of reflection for me as the year is coming to a close. I've weathered a difficult year for business and have had a major loss in my life. I am finding that it can take a very long time to settle an estate, realize that someone won't be coming home and understand that there are many more changes than I could have ever thought. My wee folk are the balance to difficult days. I am most honored with emails and calls that tell me that they make you smile also

As I look back at the body of what I have created this year, I am thinking as I do every year... just how am I going to go beyond this???? Somehow, something sparks my interest or grabs my attention and I am right back in front of the drawing board, working out an idea. I am always amazed at what I come up with; happy to inspire and be inspired. This is my passion and what I was born to do. There isn't a button to push and stop this crazy carousel of creating. I have been making art for as long as I can remember and realize that it won't just end at a given year when I am supposed to retire. It is a drive... a calling.
I am fortunate to be able to embrace kindred brothers and sisters. I'm ever humbled to think that so much of my work is a treasure for someone. A Santa or perhaps a Pumpkin witch, carefully packed away in some one's holiday boxes to decorate their homes and their lives. My heart smiles when I receive a photo of these wee folk, so that I can see them living happily and cherished in their home. There is no greater gift than to see a love connection in some one's eyes as they are drawn heart and soul to these little ones. Over 100 of my friends have been adopted this year...in a most difficult financial year for so many of us. I am stunned.
The New Year brings so much anticipation for all of us. We will look ahead with all goode things in mind. I know I am excited for the journey I am headed on. I know that there will not be great happiness without tears. I also know that I have goode friends and family ready to link arms and move forward. My work will continue and on a broader scale. You may see my designs in a gift store or at a friend's home. It may not shout out, "designed by Stacey"... but you will know. You will see the same spirit in the drawing or recognise a few of my friends in a different media. I am happy to grow and to share what gives me the greatest pleasure with all of you. I am most of all, thankful to have the opportunities to do this.


Homespun Heart Primitive said...

May your coming year be filled with happiness and many blessings. Looking forward to seeing your art in many new places!

kat449 said...

OHHHH (((Stac))) Just love the Princess Frog and those lil meecies, well I have a soft heart for any mice...you & Pams are just so perfect. My "Goode Wife" winter bear is tucked carefully in a little area reminding me of "you" as he graces our home every winter.
I pray that you are blessed with peace & healing in your heart this coming new year. I pray that you and your family are blessed with a spirit of plenty. I know I am so grateful that I was blessed with your friendship I treasure.
Merry Christmas Stacey & Happy New Year!