Each season comes with it's special feeling and smells about it. I embrace each season and look forward to it. Today is the perfect "Bambi" day. The days have been warmer, warm enough to open windows and enjoy Spring's sweet smell. A "Bambi" day to me has been those first few days of spring that bring gentle showers to green the earth. The sky is milky , the clouds lay low over our gentle hills and the mountains beyond have disappeared. The lilac bush is quite budded and a little spider greeted me this morning in the window sill as I opened the window.
My days are blending here as I care for both parents now. I know that I won't be able to care for both of them without help or other changes for long. There are changes ahead here and some have begun...it's a process and it take a bit of time. As some of you know, Bailey has a Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Home has been difficult for her and her Grandfather's fragility has been very stressful to her. Together, we have decided that she would do better to live up on the Hill with her other Grandparents for now . It is difficult for me as her Mom to let her go, my heart aches, but my head knows that doing the right thing doesn't always come easy. She's been there just over a week now and has settled happily and doing well. We talk on the phone lots and there are always several hugs awaiting me when she's here. Jess has chosen to remain here for now, but knows it is her choice as we find out the best course of action for her Grandparents.
In it all, I want to thank all of you~ your thoughts and prayers have wrapped me close and kept me strong. I don't get much time to email anyone. It is slow to get orders out but I try to work on things several days a week. I keep goals ahead and know that although I am stretched at the moment, it will all work out. Life will fall into place as it should and I am thankful to have the gifts of my family and my art. Faith always gets you through and with it, you can find joy in the "Bambi" days even in the most difficult of times.