Another Thanksgiving meal has come and gone...well except for the Pumpkin pie. My ex-mother-in-law made me one as I have missed her pie dearly over the years. She cooks the pumpkins down and Ellen mashes it through a sieve. It is heavenly and I am so thankful for her thoughtful gift.
The Busy House has been going at full throttle. Jess is playing modified Basketball and was good enough to be asked to join the Varsity team. In true Jess fashion, she turned it down not wanting to leave any of her team mates and friends behind. She'll get there with the rest of them. Bailey and her boy friend Joe are having a great time cooking in the kitchen (Joe is taking Culinary Arts). We have been preparing for winter and have gotten the old wood stove up and running. What a blessing to have such a comforting heat source. There is nothing better than the smell of wood smoke as you step outside , or the warmth that wraps around you like a favorite sweater and brings childhood memories rushing in.
In it all, I have been busy preparing for a nearby show. It is the 23rd annual show and we have been happy to be a part of it for the past 3 years. If you are nearby, do stop in and say hello~ we'd love to see you!
November 28 - 29 Vermont Farmers Market Poultney Christmas Fair 10-4 Poultney High School Gym Route 140 Poultney, VT

Finally, I'd like to introduce to you, Murphy. He is 12 weeks old and keeps this house very, very busy. Molly is a wonderful big sister and they look like a tumbleweed rolling by most of the time. Rylie is ever watchful that her kids are behaving, and looks forward to escaping for a well deserved nap on my bed. We are all Thankful for so much this year. There are some family members that live far and could not be here, but we have everyone. This year we have faced hardships like so many. We continue to make changes to live a bit more simply as we have for the past couple years. I am Thankful that at a time when it is so difficult in the job market, my little business continues to not only be a joy for me, but for all of you as well. To all of my friends here old and new, Happy Thanksgiving and may the simple joys be yours.
Happy Thanksgiving from another good wife in Washington County, (Pennsylvania)...Your site is great!
I LOVE Rylie!!! I want one, too!!! HA!!! ~~Trudy~~
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