A Unique Primitive Art with a whisper to the past~

These truly ARE the voices in my head.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Holiday Memories

I just couldn't do it. I had to wait until after Thanksgiving to put my holiday music up. Each holiday needs to hold it's own spirit and memories and they need to come in order for me. Each song was like placing a memory ornament on a tree.

My Uncle would play the Peanuts theme for me and never seemed to tire of me asking. Of course there were quite a few years that my Dad was gone, fighting in Vietnam or on assignment. "I'll Be Home For Christmas" has a deep meaning for my family. My Uncle Frank and I shared the love of Snoopy and the Red Baron. The beloved characters of several holiday shows kept the long wait until Christmas Day easier. As a teen, I was right smack in love with Kermit the frog and John Denver. During my High School and college years there was a tradition with the Hallelujah Chorus. In High School, our Chorus teacher, Mrs. Johnson, would have us sing it as a finale. Anyone that had graduated and was home for Christmas would be asked to come up and take their old spots on the risers to join in. How I miss that! Art School saw my friend Terry and I singing "Snow Miser" down the streets of Lake Placid as we walked to our dorm house in the snow.

These are but a few. I hope as you stop in here and visit, you will find your own memory within a song. Perhaps I will have jiggled your memory a bit with a song that you have since forgotten. May my pick of songs bring dear memories and smiles upon your heart this holiday season.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Be Ye Thankful

Another Thanksgiving meal has come and gone...well except for the Pumpkin pie. My ex-mother-in-law made me one as I have missed her pie dearly over the years. She cooks the pumpkins down and Ellen mashes it through a sieve. It is heavenly and I am so thankful for her thoughtful gift.

The Busy House has been going at full throttle. Jess is playing modified Basketball and was good enough to be asked to join the Varsity team. In true Jess fashion, she turned it down not wanting to leave any of her team mates and friends behind. She'll get there with the rest of them. Bailey and her boy friend Joe are having a great time cooking in the kitchen (Joe is taking Culinary Arts). We have been preparing for winter and have gotten the old wood stove up and running. What a blessing to have such a comforting heat source. There is nothing better than the smell of wood smoke as you step outside , or the warmth that wraps around you like a favorite sweater and brings childhood memories rushing in.

In it all, I have been busy preparing for a nearby show. It is the 23rd annual show and we have been happy to be a part of it for the past 3 years. If you are nearby, do stop in and say hello~ we'd love to see you!

November 28 - 29 Vermont Farmers Market Poultney Christmas Fair 10-4 Poultney High School Gym Route 140 Poultney, VT

Finally, I'd like to introduce to you, Murphy. He is 12 weeks old and keeps this house very, very busy. Molly is a wonderful big sister and they look like a tumbleweed rolling by most of the time. Rylie is ever watchful that her kids are behaving, and looks forward to escaping for a well deserved nap on my bed. We are all Thankful for so much this year. There are some family members that live far and could not be here, but we have everyone. This year we have faced hardships like so many. We continue to make changes to live a bit more simply as we have for the past couple years. I am Thankful that at a time when it is so difficult in the job market, my little business continues to not only be a joy for me, but for all of you as well. To all of my friends here old and new, Happy Thanksgiving and may the simple joys be yours.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Such A Busy Time of The Year

The Holidays are fast approaching and I have two more shows to do before the year ends. We have been having some work done on the house and chimneys for winter. This year, we will be burning wood once again. It's been quite a few years since we have done that, other than if the power has gone out. It's a comfort to me, there is nothing better than a warm fire on a snowy winter's eve. It's going back a bit, to a simpler time even if it's just the simpler time of my growing years. We are also preparing for something new at the house. I won't share until it's on it's way, but my heart smiles with it!

TDIPT has opened for the 15th and I have had fun with the White Christmas Theme. I love a mix of tones and textures, so this was great fun for the artist in me. I'm loving the little mice too~ they are so real looking. I love Miss Whisper, she was inspired by our own Miss Maddie. For me, Art does imitate life with so many of the critters that I do. I am certainly thankful to all of you that enjoy , encourage and inspire me to do what I love, even in these rough days we have had with the economy. As we come to Thanksgiving, I know how much I have to be Thankful for, but for some the days are darker. We are doing what we can here to give, be it an odd job, a hot meal and even a home. Just wait until the next post and you see our newest family member.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Season of Change

I thank my Grandparents for making us sit with Walter Cronkite during our evening meal every night when I was growing up. The nightly news of the world sparked discussions, debates and learning. I still enjoy dinner and the news, even when my kids roll their eyes about it as I once did. We don't always appreciate the lessons until later, do we?

I have voted in every election since I turned 18 and strive to learn more with each one. Not not only the process, but the importance of learning about the candidates and domestic/world matters to make the most informed decision that I can. I am teaching my daughters the same and we have had a house election every election, since they were in school. We all take fun in discussions and thoughts along the way. This election has been so much fun because they are older and know more of the process, candidates and issues. They have learned that no matter what view they have, they can talk about it and share. We all learn in that. In the end, we all come together better for it. No matter how you voted yesterday, I think we have all come far these past two years. I am simply amazed at the response, the excitement and the coming together as a country. It is a season of change. God Bless America.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Studio Tour

Take a stroll into the Goode Comfort Studio~ It just may surprise you! Click on the picture.