My Uncle would play the Peanuts theme for me and never seemed to tire of me asking. Of course there were quite a few years that my Dad was gone, fighting in Vietnam or on assignment. "I'll Be Home For Christmas" has a deep meaning for my family. My Uncle Frank and I shared the love of Snoopy and the Red Baron. The beloved characters of several holiday shows kept the long wait until Christmas Day easier. As a teen, I was right smack in love with Kermit the frog and John Denver. During my High School and college years there was a tradition with the Hallelujah Chorus. In High School, our Chorus teacher, Mrs. Johnson, would have us sing it as a finale. Anyone that had graduated and was home for Christmas would be asked to come up and take their old spots on the risers to join in. How I miss that! Art School saw my friend Terry and I singing "Snow Miser" down the streets of Lake Placid as we walked to our dorm house in the snow.
These are but a few. I hope as you stop in here and visit, you will find your own memory within a song. Perhaps I will have jiggled your memory a bit with a song that you have since forgotten. May my pick of songs bring dear memories and smiles upon your heart this holiday season.