I wanted to share with everyone that I am now on ETSY. If you have not checked out ESTY yet, do so! It is a nice place to see work from various artists. With many of the Ebay changes, you will probably find most of your favorite artists have moved here. Your support will help make it the success it can be for so many artists. I will be putting up some patterns from my Raven's Haven line now and then. At this point, I am unable to offer finished as I have orders, TDIPT and Lemon Poppyseeds to keep, and the first of this years Good Wives Show is sneaking up on us! If you are near by and would like a post card telling you where we will be, just email me your address and we will be happy to send one out. We have new shows in the area this year.
The girls and I are getting over a touch of the flu, and so I will be writing and sharing more a bit later~