A Unique Primitive Art with a whisper to the past~
These truly ARE the voices in my head.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
New Beginnings

Saturday, April 19, 2008
Enjoying the Journey

Spring is full of new beginnings and growth. As the leaves bud out and the birds come home to raise their young, one can't help feeling so inspired, especially when art rules ones soul! I've been happily networking with some wonderfully creative art doll makers. As much as I have many dolls still standing in line to make their way out, I have different medias and directions that I enjoy. Perhaps some of these will blend in the future , or perhaps they will take a path all their own, as my newest adventure ahead. Who knows? That's the fun of it! Enclosed is a picture of Mousie. She is one of my dearest beginnings. She shows my stylized kitty face and is a blend of a kitty angel years ago. More than that, she is a fond memory of my Greeter on my visits to Netty's. Mousie has since passed, and now Ted, the turkey has the job. You saw him this fall as Jake and will be happy to know that he will be a pattern.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Small Town Proud

I cannot forget the people that love me,
Yeah, I can be myself in this small town,
And people let me be just what I want to be.
John Mellencamp
A couple weeks ago I sat n the Dr.s office waiting for my Dad. A childhood friend came in with her Aunt Jenny , now 94. What a time we had just reminiscing. Nancy lived a few houses down from my Grandparents. Between moves when we lived with my Grandparents, Nance was a part of my life in Granville, my partner in crime. We still laugh about me making my First Communion with 2 skinned knees because I was riding on the handlebars of her bike. My Mom was so very mad, I knew better. The hill didn't seem so bad and we were late for dinner, what was a girl supposed to do?
Nancy's parents owned the local Montgomery Ward catalog store, just a hop and a skip from home. We went there many a afternoon after school . The face of Main street has changed over the years. The catalog store is now gone. The Ritz movie theater and Andy's Barber Shop burned when I was in High School. The Five and Dime where we would stop after school and save our allowance for 45's is long gone. Scotties does remain as the local coffee shop. Many of grew up sitting at the counter with our parents having a soda, piling into the booths as teens doing the same, and now, at the same counter sipping coffee with good friends.
Everybody knows each other, but more than that, they know your parents, grand parents and extended family. You are more than a person in the community, you are a part of it's history as were your ancestors. There is honor in family and your actions in the community. I am still known as Jiggy's grand daughter, Jack's daughter, Jim's wife and Bailey and Jessie's Mom. Parts of the town held the Italian families, other the Welsh or Polish , we are surrounded by heritage and history. I am known in the school, the Girls Scouts, the Senior Center nearby and the Lioness Club for the talks and projects done with my art. Actions speak louder than words here. So many in the community have watched me grow up as well as my Art. They still remember my parent's Ceramic Shop, my first shows starting at age 14. They still have pieces that I made and they hold dear.
I can't think of a better honor. They watch and encourage me still. Some come and check out the blog and so for all of them, this is for you. I am certainly proud of my heritage and my work as they are. I am thankful to be a part of this small town, where everyone knows you and who you are. I AM small town proud.
Monday, April 7, 2008
A Goode Announcement

The girls and I are getting over a touch of the flu, and so I will be writing and sharing more a bit later~
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
A Poppy Seed Thank You~

A very special Thank You to those that make Lemon Poppy Seeds such a success, not just for me, but for all the artists who put much time and thought into their creations. With every purchase, you let the Artist know just how much something hand made means to you. All of my items have been sold, but there is still lots of great pieces available. Poppy Seeds is bursting with wonderful artists and they open on the 1st and the 15th of each month. If you haven't visited before, take a ride on my link (Goode Sisters and Places). Oh...and grab a cup of something nice and hot, there is lots to see!
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