It seems that as I get going
and try to get back to blogging~
2020 tosses something else.
Before I write too much, please
save the date and time in the picture above.
I will have a few
Halloween pieces, because...
that is the best gift for those of us that
live in perpetual October.
I was unsure about doing the online show
in September.
My Mom was failing...
As most of you know,
I was her caregiver for many years.
She enjoyed her time at
the care facility~
and then Covid hit.
I truly believe that it accelerated
her failing health.
she was adamant that I do the online show.
She was gone a week later.
She was my constant...
we talked almost every day.
I would send her books and snacks
along with things that she wanted or needed.
I feel empty-handed.
that I am forgetting something...
I pick up the phone to call,
or check the time;
waiting for her call.
All while feeling crushed.
I know that she would not want me
to linger in this place too long~
and so I have
taken some time to
heal my heart...
embrace the memories
and dabble a bit ~
find my new footing...
let things speak,
thru my work.

Yesterday, I was back on Early Work,
with my take
on a clay faced Santa.
You knew it would be different,
...and now I must get back
to clearing my workspace,
because there are witches
and October friends that need to get ready
for Bewitching Peddlers.
Well, I'll try this again.
Take all the time you need. Grief has no time limit. Do what feels right and gives you some measure of comfort. Whether that's a big pot of sauce bubbling away on the stove or digging into your piles of clay and fabric. Whatever works. We'll be here.
Sending condolences. What a hard hard season.
Your pieces are cool
It feels like 2020 has just decided to vomit all over everyone. Sorry....not a pleasant connotation but, in my opinion, there has been nothing whatsoever pleasant about this year. Your Santas are bewitching....I totally forgot about the update. Par for the course. As Casey said, grief has no time limit....but we both know there will come a time when your beloved mum speaks to you through your art...if she isn't already. Hugs...and hopes for brighter days for all ~Robin~
I am so sorry for your loss! When my mother passed on I was lost. We were best friends, did shows together. She was my rock.
With time you will heal. Please allow yourself to feel whatever comes up. We all march to our own tune.
That being said, your work is amazing as usual. The witches and elves are stunning.
Wishing you the best this holiday season
So very sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. When my mom died I found myself in a very creative time. Like you she was so proud of my work and very encouraging. Maybe I was working so hard for her, I don't know. When I have a slump her memory pushes me forward.
Take your time and be kind to yourself. Nobody loves you like your mom.
So sorry for your loss. I am going through the same, I lost my mom in July. I was working on a sewing project in her last weeks, and she told me that she loved watching, it brought her comfort. She loved sewing, knitting, needlework, and so many other crafts, and passed it on to myself and my sisters. When I’m struggling with this loss, I find that creating also brings me comfort, knowing she’s there watching with love. Take care
I found creating is the best therapy for healing - in all situations- when I get down I go the the studio and play. It helps. You don't want to see this room...LOL. Create a tuck a little memory into each creation. XO
I am so sorry for your loss and pray that your time spent creating your beautiful artwork will bring you peace and comfort. I absolute love your work. Do you sell your patterns? I’m looking forward to seeing more of your talent on the 25th!
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