It seems that as I get going
and try to get back to blogging~
2020 tosses something else.
Before I write too much, please
save the date and time in the picture above.
I will have a few
Halloween pieces, because...
that is the best gift for those of us that
live in perpetual October.
There is a little witch in all of us,
isn't there?
I was unsure about doing the online show
in September.
My Mom was failing...
As most of you know,
I was her caregiver for many years.
She enjoyed her time at
the care facility~
and then Covid hit.
I truly believe that it accelerated
her failing health.
she was adamant that I do the online show.
She was gone a week later.
She was my constant...
we talked almost every day.
I would send her books and snacks
along with things that she wanted or needed.
I feel empty-handed.
that I am forgetting something...
I pick up the phone to call,
or check the time;
waiting for her call.
All while feeling crushed.
I know that she would not want me
to linger in this place too long~
and so I have
taken some time to
heal my heart...
embrace the memories
and dabble a bit ~
find my new footing...
let things speak,
thru my work.

Yesterday, I was back on Early Work,
with my take
on a clay faced Santa.
You knew it would be different,
...and now I must get back
to clearing my workspace,
because there are witches
and October friends that need to get ready
for Bewitching Peddlers.