A Unique Primitive Art with a whisper to the past~

These truly ARE the voices in my head.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Kicking and Screaming

Time, please don't rush by so quickly...
I have so much to do still. 
Summer is going by in a blink.

I am enjoying the sun and the flowers~ 
watching the bees work so hard.
Butterflies in the sunlight
 fireflies in the moonlight.

It can't possibly be that July is coming to an end.
August is at the door....
I'm just not ready.
Not quite yet.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Summer Love

Our days at the cottage are wrapped in lots of Summer love. 

The days bring a hum as creating is in full swing. It may not seem it you all of you, but it is.
You see, changes are coming about ~
I am following the plan that was started last year and it must have been the right path, because we found that there was one more BIG change.

...remember the 5 weddings in the Walsh clan?
well, 6 babies will be given this year. So far, 4 have arrived. Tim's daughter, Kelly and her husband expect a stork visit in October.

As we step in to lend a hand, my work ability will change depending on how much this Nonna will be needed....
 So the preparations in my work began when snow still covered the ground.

My offerings have been mostly sculpted  or Mousels...and this month, both!

As time moves on, you will see the path I am taking for now. I think you will be as happy as I am.

til then, enjoy butterfly days and firefly nights.