Although the weather isn't always the nicest...
this is a nice time of year for me.
If a stubborn cold wants to linger, I'm not under too many deadlines.
If the snow piles high, I am home with the wood stove and hot chocolate.
If I need to meet a deadline, the crock pot or the pressure cooker gives me the time I seek and a good hot meal (or two) for us.
It's not so crazy, busy and I can rest up a little.
It's not so crazy, busy and I can rest up a little.
It is the time of year for me to pick up my pen and draw new note cards.
This year I have the Wee Shoppe to think about too, so the pencil has been getting a workout with new designs.
There is plenty to keep busy, but I feel like I can catch my breath...
center myself...
try to pick up where I left off when it got so busy, last year.
Find those projects,
Set sail those goals that I did not get to work on.
I feel like I can think clearer.
Balance life.
Enjoy the simple quiet.