A Unique Primitive Art with a whisper to the past~

These truly ARE the voices in my head.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Putting On The Olde

The day before offerings are due, the Cottage on Curry Road becomes bustling with extra activity. Today was a little more special as Early Works celebrated the holiday season....

I can't tell you how much I enjoy being a part of this group of artists with the same love of olde.

As the year draws to a close, I always reflect upon my year of creating. There is never enough time to do it all, and this year has been no exception. 

I look at my offering for this month and it is only when it is complete; that I see memories.

I look at the colors and I am reminded of a favorite Professor, that would ask me to get bold with color..."just splash some red in there", he would say. 

I look at her face...those eyes that capture her kindness of heart....and I realize that she looks like my beloved friend, Becky. How does that happen? It always does... whether from a sketch or simply my mind's eye....when I set it down as finished, my piece often looks like someone that I have a personal connection with.

I love the inspiration of the Queen Anne style~ I never know just how they will turn out. Not just the sculptures, mind you, but the clothing. I'm very basic with my patterning and self taught. Every bodice is patterned and stitched to the piece. I never know how it will end. There is never anything drawn out or fabrics picked...they come when the piece is painted and aged...only then do we visit the fabric laden sewing room.

This time, the fabric choices weren't up to my liking.. they were what "spoke", but they needed to be tweaked. The usual warm brown tones of coffee dye were not what I wanted, there was too much warmth....I needed grays.

I tried a different technique and oh how I love it. This could be another addiction ....
another technique of olde to wrap up in~ 

1 comment:

The Rustic Victorian said...

She is a dream! I love her!
All that you do is wonderful.