The fourth was a working day for me, but we did get to make it a bit special. Ours has always been a family of Service. My Dad and brother served in the military over twenty years each and have fought to keep us free. My father went on to serve his community as a Sheriff for another twenty years. My Mom and I worked retail in our communities and spent many a holiday outside of the home and volunteered our time and hands to help earn money for our community. Phone calls keep us all connected these days, with so many miles between us. Both brothers have been able to visit over the past two months and that was certainly our time to enjoy family coming together. My Father is far away from us right now, but he is on the road to recovery. Slow, but progressive. Yesterday was nice and quiet with a little barbecue dinner for Tim, my Mom and I. We watched part of the John Adams series to set the mood.
Today shines bright and the cobalt sky is a treasure, after so many rainy days of late. There is a gentle breeze, nice and cool with no sticky humidity. The guide that I set forth for this Good Wife a couple weeks ago is certainly on it's course. Yesterday I received word that my work has been accepted by a company that was just a hopeful wisp weeks ago. Now, I will need commercial samples very soon. I have a list to go by and drawings today that will turn into sewing today or tomorrow. There are also store orders to complete along with pattern orders to fill. I am so blessed that in such delicate times, my little friends will continue to bring smiles near and far.