Friday, January 22, 2021

Bread and Roses

I am determined,
within these newest days of the year,
to bring back
 parts of my normal,
where I find joy.
 I am also working on my new normal...
it will curve about in and around;
just like a meandering stream
as life goes forward.

Last year,
I wanted to continue
my writings and musings here ~
but great losses,
brought much despair
and heartache.
I couldn't find the will,
 nor the words.

The past year 
has been a fragile year for all of us. 
Many have lost work,
loved ones.....
huge changes and losses.
We sheltered and kept to ourselves
to be safe...
we continue to do so.

As the year went on,
I was surprised 
my Wee Friends
and patterns
were in such demand.

Our world was being held together
Essential Workers...
 which was not what I was offering,
 in the least.
I had nothing in the way of needs,
 for any soul.
Art itself,
can be argued as not a need.
In fact, 
I was told by someone,
 that I once thought highly of
(well educated and well-read)
that she felt a musician
as self-serving.

That hurt for years.
I come from a family
with musical roots
as well as those in the visual arts.
 Now, I can shout, 
"Indeed, it is!!!"
But, only if you keep it to yourself 
 do not put it out into the Universe.

I offer
a piece of my heart.
A piece of MY joy~
in hopes that it also gives you joy.
So is it a need, 
to have joy in our hearts?

I believe so~
 was reminded of it this morning.
A fellow Maker of joy.
She spoke of this dilemma
as she opened her own business.
She pointed to Helen Todd,
a Suffragette.
In 1910,
Helen told the world,
"We want bread, but we want roses too!"
It later inspired the poem,
Bread and Roses
James Oppenheim.

So, the musician that she spoke of
was not in any way, self-serving;
but rather
a goode sharer of joy.

Sometimes we forget 
when it is hard,
to make our surroundings 
 a place to also
make or hold
joy ~


  1. I do believe in my heart of hearts that giving joy to another is, indeed, an essential task and fulfills a very real need in others. I wonder how many more perish from lack of joy in their heart than lack of food and clothing. So carry on dear friend, carry on...and cultivate that joy inside you so you can share it with those of us in need. ~Robin~

  2. Thank you for sharing all that you do & all that you are! This past year you kept me going, you brought me joy and happiness, and friendship, and beautiful things to look at.. Please know you are helping many with your art!
    I am sorry for your loss....

  3. I’m reminded of the Old Testament when people in the tribes of Israel were sorted by those who could build, the musicians, the singers, the artists, warriors etc. Each played a vital role in the community. Each played an Essential role in the community. Love this blog entry! Play away!!!

  4. I love your sentiments. I believe very strongly that all arts come from the heart and yours speaks directly to my heart and makes it sing! In these uncertain times having someone make your heart sing is a great thing, keep up the beautiful work you do and those of us on the sidelines will be humming along. Happy new year!

  5. Heartfelt words, and true. The fine arts, the musical arts, the craft arts and the home arts enhance our worlds. They are essential -- for human joy, comfort, and elevation.

  6. Everything all those who commented before me said...and more! You tug at my heartstrings with your blog. And your work is a work of heart and soul! It is definitely essential! Your pieces are a necessary joy for the soul! Thank you for all you bring into the world.
    I am so very sorry for your loss(es). I am very glad to see your words are back...


Hello my dear friends.Thank you so very much for taking the time out of your day to stop by and say hello. I want you to know that it means much to me. Without you, my work is nothing, for it needs eyes and hearts to live on,