Monday, September 14, 2020

Bewitching Peddlers Online!

A click on the banner will
 reveal a link,
to check out, 
on this Saturday morning 
( September 19th)
at 8 am
( get that mug of Joe ready!)
the veil will open 
and the otherworld
will reveal itself.
There will be about 41 
joining in to give an amazing show.

 I will have a few
friends to share, 
here on my blog.
I hope to be able to 
have another small showing,
here in October as well.

Each piece will have a title

and you can email me 


The first email gets the piece.

you can always put on your second choice as well.

I;n sure it will be hectic at first,

but I will mark pieces sold

as quickly as I can.

Enjoy yourselves

and know I am back.

It's time to write

and create.

1 comment:

  1. I have always, always, dreamed of going to Bewitching Peddlers....and this is likely as close as I will ever get... Sadly, I have another commitment early Saturday so looks like I will miss out again. (Pouty face....) Glad you're back....always love your creativy and works of art... both tangible and written. ~Robin~


Hello my dear friends.Thank you so very much for taking the time out of your day to stop by and say hello. I want you to know that it means much to me. Without you, my work is nothing, for it needs eyes and hearts to live on,