Tuesday, January 1, 2013

No Signs of Slowing Down

Many of my friends take a few weeks off in December and the first few days of January. There was a time that I could relax a little in the first week of December, as the busiest time for my work was finished.

That's just not the case for me right now. There are no complaints, it's been nice to be busy. It has been steady, since August and I have been creating up a storm. The local shows were so fun and I am looking forward to what 2013 has to offer. For right now, though, I will share my first of the month offerings. This piece is inspired by the March Sister's in Little Women. You can click on any of the pictures to take you to Olde Primitive Peddler and see more about them.

Wee Maggie is also available there also. If you notice, she has a new look to her body to lend a more realistic look. I am having such a wonderful time taking these Mousels to different levels. It's nice to have a lively Doll House once again. These mice never stay long, but I have more coming to life.

On Simply Primitives, I am back to my love of Tombstone Angels. Meliora is a Puritan name of Roman descent, meaning...Better. Ah yes, I am getting better! I love the simplicity and the colors.

When looking up Puritan names, I suppose that I shouldn't have been surprised for the names given this Angel, nor her twin. The Puritans were quite grim after all. This is Ashes....

And this...Dust.
A click on the pictures will take you to Simply Primitives.

One of my best things that I have done, has been with my friends on Face Book. Pattern Mobbing. It started with this guy here, a pattern that I was looking for. Long story short and an inspiration from my friend...and I was off. What if my friends and I could "mob" a unsuspecting designer with orders?  As a designer myself, I know how much the orders mean, especially at slow times of the year. Well, it is a success~ a click on the picture and you will go to where YOU can mob this fine designer. We have had such a blast with this pattern. Simplistic enough that you can put your style on him and really have fun creating.

This month's person to Mob is Christine, of Walnut Ridge Primitives. Click again on the picture and you will be in pattern heaven. I can't wait to make this for the Wee Cottage!

2012 was jam packed for me. It wasn't perfect and neither will this year be.  In the weeks ahead, I have orders to pack and send, contracts to look over and sign and shows to set up for....and that doesn't include the creating! I will be continuing the Pattern Mobbing and will share here. I have 24 more times to go. They are my 26 Random Acts in memory of those in Heaven from Sandy Hook.


  1. What a wonderful tribute to those lost in the Sandy Hook tragedy....I love your spirit and your creativity!


Hello my dear friends.Thank you so very much for taking the time out of your day to stop by and say hello. I want you to know that it means much to me. Without you, my work is nothing, for it needs eyes and hearts to live on,